
Using a holistic combination of the French and Germanic classical schools with an emphasis on Francois Baucher’s second manner, training with David Donnelly is an excellent choice for riders and horses ranging from young horses requiring a pure foundation to more experienced horses needing a breakthrough into their piaffe/passage work to move through the F.E.I. levels into Grand Prix.
A specialist in gymnastic longeing work, in-hand work and long-reining as well as pillars (for older horses) David Donnelly believes that this combination of classical techniques is essential to the foundation of young horses being prepared for starting and should continue in concert with correct riding throughout training for the best possible outcome – a fully developed Grand Prix horse. These techniques will produce a “light” horse that is animated while emotionally and physically relaxed and happy. Balanced in all postures from forward and down to up and out and all in between. A horse at any
level that portrays these qualities can be considered well educated and a pleasure to work with.
David enjoys teaching riders of all ages from beginners to advanced who are enthusiastic about learning and eager to improve. Please click on the Video section of this website to see horses from a 3- year old gelding displaying this foundation through older horses working on F.E.I. movements and various stages of development in piaffe and passage. The relaxation, energy and confidence of these horses is apparent throughout. You can also go to our YouTube channel to see more horses at various stages of their training or read articles by David.